Atasi represents the adversities we have overcome during this collection while launching in the midst of a global pandemic. The collection celebrates the positives that came from this time and the collective strength and trust we grew together as a team. 
The Iranun tribe of Kota Belud are maybe best known for their woven tapestries, kain dastar. In times past, these tapestries would have been used by the Iranun people to trade for items produced from other nearby tribes, like rice.
When you see kain dastar, most of the patterns on them come from various plants, trees, etc. because at the time the patterns were first designed, nature was what they had for the inspiration of the shapes. You’ll see designs stemming from various flowers, banana trees, cotton trees, etc, making up the beautiful tapestries we see today.
    Information from friends from Kampung Rampayan Laut
    A traditional Rungus motif that traditionally describes a drooping plant. The story taught behind this motif would explain that this motif reminds us of a person who just follows along with others and doesn’t talk for himself or herself. The parable reminds us to be strong, unlike the wilting tree it depicts.
    The inspiration for the entirety of this design comes from several different traditional Rungus motifs.
    Rungus storytelling- As incredible story tellers, the Rungus people have been using traditional motifs for generations to educate and remind their future generations of the wisdom and character traits they desire to impart on them.
    Binonduk Peningkuku- This shape resembles a wilting tree that easily sways following the wind. This traditional motif speaks to ‘pendirian.’ It teaches the next generation to be anything but the tree. Instead, one should do the right thing, be willing to fight for what one believes in, and to not be swayed by popular opinion.
    Binonduk Pinahamad- This design speaks of a bird flying sideways on a hillside, not following any direction or rules but does what it desires instead.
    These two designs make for a perfect combination to encourage future leaders. Stand up for what you believe in, but also be willing to take direction from others.
    Information from Inulisan Sasam, Kampung Tinangol, Kudat
    Our take on a traditional Murut design that celebrates the traditional weaver, the Sandai. With a strong weaving heritage, this people group celebrates their heritage through the baskets and various traditional handicrafts that they make.
      Materials most often used by the Murut people for weaving are Rattan & Bamboo. Because rattan cannot be dyed, the baskets made from rotan will have a pattern that is not noticed until the bag is close, as there is no color differentiation. This is known in the Murut language as Hinula, woven items with a design that is not immediately visible due to no color differentiation. Puus, a type of bamboo, is the preferred weaving material because of its ability to absorb dye. This allows for the many intricate, vibrant designs seen on hats, baskets, and other traditional woven items from the Murut tribe. (Info from Joyce Binti Andolok, Kampung Sugiang Tengah Kemabong, Tenom)
        Linaub Silar- a motif that originates from the silar leaf. This leaf is often used in Murut ceremonies. (Info from Sabah Crafts, Edited by Jennifer P. Linggi)
          Inalik Sandai- A motif that depicts a hardworking weaver. (Info from Sabah Crafts, Edited by Jennifer P. Linggi)